Hills and Utsch join forces to become the largest number plate group in the world

Hills and Utsch

Hills Numberplates Ltd and Erich Utsch AG enter into partnership

Birmingham/Siegen — Two global leaders in number plates, Hills Numberplates Ltd and Erich Utsch AG have officially announced a partnership that will see the combined Group become the world’s largest number plate group, with over 1,000 employees worldwide and customers across more than 100 countries.

As part of a management buy-out, current Hills directors, Richard Taffinder and Martin Reuben, joined together with Erich Utsch AG to acquire 100% of Hills— which includes the British and French market leaders. Hills has over 300 employees worldwide and an annual turnover of over 50 million euros.

Hills Group MD, Richard Taffinder, believes the synergies between the two companies are a winning combination, identifying an opportunity to develop market shares and product range, as well as drive efficiencies through investment in innovation and technology.

We have always been proud to be market leaders when it comes to technology and innovation, consistently delivering new solutions for our customers,” said Taffinder.

Utsch is a true global leader, bringing market share, experience and cultural synergies that are a strong match for the Hills strategy. This exciting partnership unlocks fresh, new opportunities for technological advancement, and gives Hills the unique ability to extend even more new products and bespoke number plate solutions to our customers.”

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